Thursday, October 23, 2014

My name is Eric Chan and in the class "Violence in Art and Culture" we are currently reading the book Caesar's Column by Ignatius L. Donnely. As a class, we are also analyzing some of the recurring themes and ideas that spring up throughout the book. In particular one passage we analyzed involved the protagonist walking through the Prince's home and being struck by how extravagent it was, especially when compared to the extreme poverty he had previously witnessed. He has a moment where he could, "could hear the volcanic explosions; I could see the sordid flood of wrath and hunger pouring through these halls; cataracts of misery bursting through every door and window, and sweeping away all this splendor into never-ending blackness and ruin." 

Based on this passage we concluded that an idea the author was trying to convey was that violence occurs as a direct result of increasing inequity as well as oppression from the rich and the powerful. In addition as oppression worsens and misery grows, this unrest of the masses will eventually boil over ending in extreme and sudden violence. In Chapter 11 appropriately named "How the World Came to be Ruined" Maximilian describes how " As the domination and arrogance of the ruling class increased, the capacity of the lower classes to resist, within the limits of law and constitution, decreased. Every avenue, in fact, was blocked by corruption. juries, courts, legislatures, congresses, they were as if they were not." He continues to explain the Gabriel how it was these opressive conditions that gave rise to the Brotherhood of Destruction, an organization whose goals revolve around violence. In addition Maximilian gives what is essentially a list, of historic civilizations that collapsed when the gap between rich and poor became too much. This list begins with the example "When Egypt went down 2 per cent. of her population owned 97 percent. of her wealth. The people were starved to death." and continues with Babylon, Rome, and eventually ends in the US. While these examples aren't necessarily violent they reiterate the theme that inequality will be the nations downfall. 

1 comment:


    i enjoy how you engage your reader into a intro of synopsis of what they are going to be introduced to and its it perfectly enjoyable how you jump into it in your 1st very sure you are great at greeting yourself ..good people skills right there.another thing enjoyable thing is your in depth to go in detail and analyze at certain point which you thought was interesting and make that revolve around your theme of what you are speaking such like bringing up the protagonist and explaining how this text from the story fits what your topic is and you ultra combo that in the 2nd paragraph how you just took certain parts from chapter 11 to help you explain how it fits into the cycle turmoil of a society which is reaching a new low with social class then comparing how that relates to a past civilization being talk about by a certain character and how you ended that 2nd paragraph that events reflect on how the nations will be if things dont change such as inequality which goes back to the first paragraph cause the protagonist suffering is because of what is happening with how the economy is in the 2nd paragraph creating a cycle of cause and which you my good sir have created a wonderful wombo combo there(sounds like im writing much but this is all in favor for you so ....i think this is a good thing we have going on here :D).im not great reviewing thou more say creative criticism as we call it but maybe for me quite so say since words like violence comes into play i would like to see maybe some expression on how and what form of treatment of harsh acts do take place within the social classes and what so causes it which leads it to the increasing inequality cause thats the first sentence in your 2nd paragrpah but i dont really get much ideal of its cause and effect (i understand if violence isnt your strong suite..its all kool yo) .... and maybe adding the page to quote with the text will help a reader know where to find such text ................. but hey im just one opinion you know :D.otherwise...highly truly intriguing of info and highly truly intriguing of perspective

    claps some more from the back*
